Introduction to the KADS         Articles of KADS

Articles of KADS

Articles of the Korean Dental Association

Enacted: 2017. 5. 16.
Revised: 2017. 9. 16.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Name)

This association is referred to in English as the Korean Academy of Dental Science(KADS) (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).

Article 2 (Purpose)

The purpose of this association is to contribute to the improvement of public health by supporting academic activities for the development of dentistry by developing new academics or technologies, and by the promotion of the strengthening of ties between members.

Article 3 (Office)

The Association is headquartered in Seoul.

Article 4 (Business)

In order to achieve the purpose of Article 2, the Association shall conduct the following projects entrusted by the Association.

  • 1. Addressing matters concerning the development of dental education and research
  • 2. Addressing matters concerning research activities for oral health care policy
  • 3. To evaluate and facilitate the provision of dental information
  • 4. Addressing matters concerning the training and education of dentists
  • 5. Addressing matters concerning support and cooperation related to examination by dentists
  • 6. Addressing matters concerning support and exchange of dentistry researchers
  • 7. Addressing matters concerning the publication of the Journal of Dental Medicine
  • 8. Addressing matters concerning international exchange in dentistry
  • 9. Addressing matters to be consulted on communication, coordination and friendship between each academic association
  • 10. Addressing matters concerning support for academic activities of the Association
  • 11. Addressing matters concerning the holding and operation of general academic conferences and academic division conferences
  • 12. Addressing other matters necessary to achieve the purpose of the plenary session

Chapter 2 Members

Article 5 (Membership Qualifications, etc.)
  • ①Members of this Association(Korean Academy of Dental Science) be approved by the association (Korean Dental Association)and shall agree with the purpose of establishment of Article 2.
  • ②If there are any membership changes, the Association shall report these changes to the head of the association without delay.

Article 6 (Member Obligations)
  • ①Members must comply with the articles and pay other fees such as admission fee and annual membership fee.
  • ② Members must report the activities of their association to the president of Korean Academy of Dental Science in the quarterly report and a regular report once a year, and the president of the affiliated association collects the information and reports it to the president of Korean Dental Association

Article 7 (Members Rights)
  • ① Members have the right to vote and to be elected, and have the right to participate in the general meeting, propose opinions on the activities of the association, and participate in resolutions.
  • ② Members may request advice on academic activities, application for issuance of a certificate regarding membership qualifications, and letters of recommendation required by members.
  • ③ If a member fails to fulfill his or her obligations under Article 6, he or she cannot exercise the privileges of the agreement.

Article 8 (Membership Discipline)

If a member violates the aims of this association or fails to fulfill their member obligations pursuant to Article 6, the situation may be referred to the association's board of directors through a resolution in accordance with the Associations other regulations.

Chapter 3 Executives

Article 9 (Executives)

This association has the following officers.

  • 1. One President
  • 2. Two Vice-President
  • 3. Up to 15 Directiors
  • 4. Two Corporate supervisors

Article 10 (Duties of Executives)
  • ① The president is responsible for the general affairs of the association and acts as the chairperson of the board of directors.
  • ② The vice-president assists the president and acts on behalf of the president in case of his/her absence.
  • ③ The directors form a board of directors, and the meetings are divided into separate sections. (Amended on June 18, 2011)
  • ④ The corporate supervisor evaluates the meetings/ finances as required and reports the results to the general meeting.

Article 11 (Election of Officers)
  • ① Those elected must be members of the association(Korean Dental Association) that belong to the academic division.
  • ② The president and corporate supervisor are elected at the general meeting.
  • ③ Those who wish to become president shall register as candidates with the main office 15 days before the general meeting and after receiving the recommendation of three or more members from the affiliated academic division. However, if there are no more than half of the votes in the first ballot, the second round for the first and second majority votes shall be conducted and the winner will be elected. However, if the number of votes is a tie, it the senior person shall be selected.
  • ④ Those who wish to become corporate supervisors must receive the recommendation of at least one academic division member and register for candidacy at the main office 15 days before the general meeting, and be selected through two voters via secret ballot at the general meeting. However, if there is only one candidate or no candidates at all, the vacancy shall be filled by those elected based on the recommendation of the members of the General meeting and the resolution of the majority.
  • ⑤ Vice-presidents and directors are recommended by the president and approved by the general meeting. However, under unavoidable circumstances the person can be substituted.

Article 12 (Board Members Terms of Office)
  • ① The term of office for executives is three years, and are able to gain the position again.
  • ② Even after the term of office expires, executives shall perform their duties as executives until their successor takes office.

Article 13 (Board Members Elections)
  • ① If the vacancy period of the president, vice-president, and corporate supervisor lasts more than one year, they will be elected at the next general meeting pursuant to Article 11 (2) to (5).
  • ② When a director positon vacancy occurs, a person shall be elected by the board of directors upon recommendation of the president.
  • ③ The term of office of an elected board member shall be the period remaining from the predecessor.

Article 14 (Advisor)
  • ① There may be a few advisors in the plenary session.
  • ② Corporate supervisors are commissioned by the president after recommendation from the board of directors from among those who have made remarkable contributions to the Association and the field of dentistry.

Article 15 (Honorary President)
  • ①The Association appoints the immediate past president as the honorary president.
  • ②The term of office of the honorary president is the same as that of the acting president.

Chapter 4 Meetings

Article 16 (Type of Meeting)

The meeting involves the general assembly, the board of directors and each committee.

Article 17 (Composition of the General Assembly)
  • ① The general assembly/meeting is composed of the heads of the academic division.
  • ② The chairperson and vice-chairperson of the general assembly shall be concurrently appointed by the president and vice-president of the the Association.
  • ③ The term of office for members of the general assembly shall be determined by the term of office of each academic division director. However, when it becomes necessary a member may be delegated to the affiliated academic division to perform the duties of the council.

Article 18 (Convening of General Assembly)
  • ① The chairperson can convene two types of meeting. The general assembly/meeting is divided into a regular general meeting and a provisional general meeting.
  • ② As a rule, the regular general meeting is held once per year.
  • ③ A provisional general meeting is convened when the chairperson deems it necessary, or at the request of more than a third of the current members or by the board of directors.
  • ④ Seven days before convening a general assembly, the chairperson must clearly notify each member in writing of the agenda, date, and place of the meeting.

Article 19 (Proposal Submissions)

The proposal is to be submitted in writing by each member to the general assembly and these must this must be done 15 days prior to the general assembly.

Article 20 (Establishment and Resolution of General Assembly)
  • ① The general assembly is established by the attendance of a majority of the current members and a decision is made with the approval of the majority of the members present at said meeting. However, if the number results in a tie then the motion will be considered to have been rejected.
  • ② The general assembly will decide on revision of the articles of governance and disciplinary action by a majority of more than 2/3 of the members of the general assembly.
  • ③ The competent authority must approved the amendments to the articles of governance that have been resolved by the general assembly pursuant to Paragraph 2.

Article 21 (Exercising Voting Rights)
  • ① The general assembly shall be attended by the director of the academic division who exercises the right to vote. However, the academy division may submit a letter of attorney and exercise its rights as an agent.
  • ② In the case of submitting a power of attorney in paragraph 1 of the same article, professors who are not dentistry professors who work at the College of Dentistry (Graduate School of Dentistry) and College of Medicine (Graduate School of Medicine) may also attend as deputies.

Article 22 (Member Report)

Representatives of members attending the general meeting must report the results of the deliberation and resolution of the general assembly concerning the affiliated association.

Article 23 (Deliberation and Resolution of the General Assembly)
  • 1. Addressing matters concerning the dissolution of a corporation and amendment of the articles of governance
  • 2. Addressing matters concerning the election and dismissal of officers
  • 3. Addressing matters concerning the disposal, acquisition of basic assets and borrowing of funds
  • 4. Addressing matters concerning budget settlement
  • 5. Addressing matters concerning the business plan
  • 6. Addressing matters submitted by the board of directors
  • 7. Addressing matters to be suggested to the association
  • 8. Addressing matters related to admission fee, annual fee and other charges
  • 9. Addressing others matters

Chapter 5 Board of Directors

Article 24 (Board of Directors Composition)

The board of directors consists of the president, vice-president and director, and the president convenes the board and acts as the chairperson.

Article 25 (Convening the Board of Directors)
  • ① The board of directors consists of a regular board of meeting and a provisional board of meeting.
  • ② As a rule, the regular board of meeting is held every quarter, and the provisional board meeting is convened when the chairperson deems it necessary or at the request of more than one third of the directors.

Article 26 (Establishment and Resolution of the Board of Directors)
  • ① The board of directors is established with a majority attendance and votes with the approval of the majority of those in attendance.
  • ② However, if it is deemed to be significantly urgent matter, it can be processed by the president's team and the director in charge. Regardless of what the case may be, it must be approved by the next board of directors.

Article 27 (Decisions by the Board of Directors and the Duties of Directors)
  • ① The board of directors will research and plan all policies and projects for the operation and development of the plenary session. They deliberate and decide on the following tasks.
    • 1. Addressing matters concerning the purpose and project execution of the plenary session
    • 2. Addressing matters delegated by the general assembly
    • 3. Addressing matters concerning the filling of vacant director positions
    • 4. Addressing matters related to revenues, expenditures, budget planning, supplementary budget and settlement
    • 5. Addressing matters concerning the approval of the use of reserve funds
    • 6. Addressing matters concerning the convocation and proposal of the general assembly
    • 7. Addressing matters concerning the election of each committee member
    • 8. Addressing matters concerning the operation of each committee
    • 9. Addressing general affairs and accounting matters
    • 10. Addressing matters concerning the establishment or amendment of the articles of governance and regulations
    • 11. Addressing matters concerning disciplinary action
    • 12. Addressing other matters
  • ② Directors share general affairs, academic affairs, financial affair, training examinations, public affairs, legal affairs, international affairs, materials affairs , information technology, publishing affairs, and planning affairs. The duties of the directors are determined separately, but the directors must report their work at regular board meetings.
  • ③ The board of directors must report the business and budget settlement to the regular general meeting every year.

Article 28 (Committee)
  • ① Directors have the following committees to carry out the duties of the plenary session, with members and executives following the same terms.
    • 1. General Affairs Committee
    • 2. Academic Committee
    • 3. Finance Committee
    • 4. Training ExaminationCommittee
    • 5. Public Affairs Committee
    • 6. Legislative Committee
    • 7. International Committee
    • 8. Materials Committee
    • 9. Information and Communication Committee
    • 10. Editorial Committee
    • 11. Planning Committee

  • ② The chairperson of each committee shall be in charge of the relevant project.
  • ③ Each committee will consist of one chairperson, one secretary, and a number of members. The committee composition shall be designated by the chairperson after the resolution made by the board of directors.
  • ④ The board of directors will supervise and approved the matters decided by the committee.

Article 29 (Committee Operation)

The board of directors may form and operate special committees and subcommittees according to the functional needs.

Chapter 6 Finance

Article 30 (Property Classification)
  • ① The assets of this Association are classified into basic and common assets.
  • ② Basic property is real estate or movable property related to fulfilling the corporation’s purpose, and the property contributed at the time of incorporation and the property incorporated as basic property by the board of directors. (List shall be attached).
  • ③ Common property shall be property other than basic property.

Article 31 (Property Management)
  • ① The resolution of the general assembly will decide on the motion to sell, donate, lease, or exchange the basic assets of the Association at the plenary session, to provide collateral or to change the purpose.
  • ② The amendment to the association articles shall apply to changes in basic property.

Article 32 (Finance)

The funding of the plenary session is based on the following proceeds.

  • 1. Admission fee
  • 2. Annual fees and charges
  • 3. Subsidies (provided by Government or Korean Dental Association) and donations
  • 4. Issues arising from negligence of basic property
  • 5. Other income

Article 33 (Budget and Settlement)
  • ① The budget and business plan for each fiscal year shall be approved by the regular general assembly.
  • ② The additional budget for adjustment shall be determined by the next general assembly.
  • ③ The settlement of revenue and expenditure accounts for each fiscal year shall be done after an audit and is to be approved at the regular general meeting.

Article 34 (Accounting Audit)

The audit should be conducted at least once a year.

Article 35 (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year of the plenary session is from 1st of May to 30th of April of the following year.

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Article 36 (Enactment of Regulations)
  • ① The board of directors will separately determine the regulations necessary to carry out the affairs of the plenary session.
  • ② The provisions of the association(Korean Dental Association) shall apply to the enactment of regulations.

Article 37 (Constitution Enforcement)

Matters for the necessary enforcement of this constitution shall be determined by the bylaws.

Article 38 (Applicable Rules)

Other matters that have not been stipulated in these Articles of association shall be governed by the provisions in the Civil Act concerning the private sector corporation, the articles of association, and general customs.

Supplementary Provisions

These articles of incorporation shall take effect as of the approval date by the competent authority.