JKDS         Regulation for Contributors

Regulation for Contributors

Journal of Korean Dental Science Authors’ Guidelines

First issued on December 30, 2008.
Revised on December 16, 2020 (2nd Revision).
Revised on December 08, 2023 (3rd Revision).
This information for authors is arranged as follows:

  • 1. Aims and Scope
  • 2. Manuscript Submission
  • 3. Ethics
  • 4. Manuscript Style and Structure
  • 5. Proofs and Reprints
  • 6. Fees for Publication and Extra Publication

Manuscripts that fail to follow these guidelines may be returned to authors for revision before review, or possibly rejected.

◆ Aims and Scope

The Journal of Korean Dental Science is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Korean Academy of Dental Science (KADS). The Journal of Korean Dental Science is published quarterly on the last day of March, June, September, and December. All issues are published in English. The journal aims to publish papers of high scientific value, primarily related to dental science. It also covers a wide scope of dentistry, including basic dental research and clinical practice. The journal publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports, technical reports, book reviews, letters to the editor, and other materials relating to fundamental dental science.
If a manuscript does not clearly belong to any of the categories listed above, the authorized publication committee has the right to deliberate regarding whether the manuscript will be allowed to be published.

◆ Manuscript Submission

Submitted manuscripts must be written in English and be approved by all the authors. Manuscripts are subject to editorial revision. Authors should follow the guidelines below. Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Each reader must determine whether to act on the information contained in the publication, and neither the journal nor its sponsoring organizations shall be liable for any injury due to the publication of erroneous information. Manuscripts for publication and correspondence relating to them should be submitted via the Online Manuscript Submission System (Online Submission) on the JKDS website (https://dbpiaone.com/kads). All documents must be submitted in MS Word format, and the MS Word default typeface and type size are recommended. For further procedures regarding web-based submissions, follow the instructions given on the journal’s website. The body of the text, not including the abstract, references, tables, or illustrations, should not exceed 15 pages in length for research articles and 7 pages for clinical articles. Figures and tables should be supplied as separate files. All evidence of authorship should be removed from the article and any files submitted electronically in order to expedite the review process.
Manuscripts will normally be reviewed by the editor-in-chief and at least three reviewers with expertise within the scope of the article. The final publication decision lies with the Editorial Board. Authors of accepted papers must complete the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, which is available on the official KADS website (https://www.kads.or.kr/). Accepted manuscripts will be copyedited according to the journal’s style and returned to the author for approval before publication. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the copy editor. The publisher reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts to ensure conciseness, clarity, and stylistic consistency, subject to the author’s final approval. Detailed information will be provided with the acceptance letter.
Authors who are not native speakers of English should submit a certificate of English proofreading at the time of manuscript submission. This will make the review process faster by ensuring that the meaning of the text is clearly expressed.

◆ Proofs and Reprints

The corresponding author will receive page proofs, which should be proofread and returned within 48 hours of receipt. Corrections are limited to publisher’s errors; no substantial author’s changes will be made without charge. Reprints can be ordered from the publisher. The publisher does not stock reprints; however, back issues can be purchased.

◆ Ethics

Manuscripts that present the results of human or animal studies will be accepted for publication only if it is made clear that a high standard of ethics was applied in carrying out the investigations. For invasive studies in humans, manuscripts should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by the local ethics committee. Policies on research and publication ethics not stated in this document are handled according to the international standards for editors and authors (http://publicationethics.org/resources/international-standards-for-editors-and-authors). The Journal follows the Code of Conduct (http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct) of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (http://publicationethics.org/) and follows the COPE flowcharts (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts) for resolving cases of suspected misconduct. Clinical research should be conducted in accordance with the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, as outlined in the Helsinki Declaration

◆ Manuscript Style and Structure

The manuscript should be composed in this order: title, author(s), abstract, key words, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion (or summary), references, and legends for tables and figures.

  • 1) Title and author(s)
    List the title of the article along with all the information pertaining to the author(s), including their full names(s), academic degrees, and institutional affiliations and positions. Indicate the corresponding author and an address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address. Present the source of research funding, if any, in the lower part.
  • 2) Abstract
    A structured abstract of 250-300 words or less is preferred. Briefly state the purpose of the study, materials and methods, results, and conclusion. At the bottom of the abstract, provide no more than six keywords that best describe the content of the study. It is preferable to select the key words from the list of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. Abbreviations can be used after they are given in parentheses following the full term at the first use.
  • 3) Introduction
    State the objective and the background of the study. Authors may refer to the literature, but an excessive review is strongly discouraged.
  • 4) Materials and Methods
    Describe the experimental design, procedures, and materials/subjects used. Give the details only if the methods are original or essential for understanding; otherwise, give references. The patients or tested animals and the control group should be described clearly. In particular, the methods of identifying the subject disease and controlling the author’s subjective views should be explained. The names and manufacturers of devices, materials, and reagents for tests should be included in parentheses. The authors should present the generic name, dosage, and administration method of any drugs and chemical agents used. Patients’ private information should not be exposed. Human studies and animal research should be approved by the local ethics committee. Indicate the statistical methods used, if applicable.
  • 5) Results
    Present essential results with a minimum of discussion. Use tables, charts, and photographs to clarify the findings. State the statistical data properly. All measurements should be expressed in metric units, or metric equivalents may appear in parentheses after the original measurements.
  • 6) Discussion
    Describe the significance of the data and the limitations. The interpretation of the results should be clearly explained. Do not repeat the contents of the introduction in this section. The discussion should not exceed one-half of the entire article’s length. Speculate about the findings in light of other reports, including opposing views in order to limit bias. Extensions of the study may be suggested in the last paragraph.
  • 7) Conclusion
    Briefly state a clear conclusion of the study. Do not repeat the results in this section.
  • 8) References
    Reference numbers should be listed in the text, numbered in order of appearance using superscripts. Authors should be listed with their surname first, followed by capital initials of their given names. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus. All authors in the cited reference must be listed. The following are examples of the reference style:
    • (1) Standard journal article
      Sorenson JA, Engleman MJ, Torres TJ, Avera SP. Shear bone strength of composite resin to porcelain. Int Prosthodont. 1991; 4: 17-23.
    • (2) Supplement
      25 year cumulative index 1973-1997. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2000; 28(Suppl 2): 3-98.
    • (3) Books and other monographs
      Kim YK, Kim SG, Lee BG. Bone graft and implant. 1st ed. Seoul: Narae Pub Co.; 2007.
  • 9) Photographs and illustrations
    Submit three printed sets of illustrations for hard copy submission, and attach image files to an electronic submission. Do not embed photographs and/or illustrations in the body of the text; instead, indicate the location of the photographs and/or illustrations within the text. Images are preferred to be in JPG, TIFF, EPS, or PDF format (MS Office artwork is also acceptable with high resolution of a minimum of 300 dpi for halftones, 100 dpi for line art, and 500 dpi for a combination thereof; images should be CMYK or grayscale, at least 5 inches wide and at least 118 pixels per cm (300 pixels per inch). Disqualified images may affect the editorial decision upon acceptance or may cause a delay in publication. High-contrast glossy prints of photographs and/or illustrations are accepted; label them on the back with the figure number, first author’s name, and an arrow indicating the top edge. High-quality glossy print photographs, from a minimum of 76 × 102 mm (3 × 4 inches) to a maximum of 127 × 173 mm (5 × 7 inches) are accepted. Scales should be included in the photographs as a bar, and the magnification should be noted in the legend.
  • 10) Legends of photographs and illustrations
    Legends should be written in English on a separate page. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the photographs and illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. If a figure has been previously published, the legend should fully acknowledge the original source. Ensure that all figures are mentioned sequentially in the text.
  • 11) Tables and graphs
    Do not embed tables in the body of the text. Number tables consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text and provide a brief title for each. Be sure that each table is cited in the text. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations. If a table has been previously published, include a footnote giving full acknowledgement to the original source. Statistical measures of variation should be identified in the column headings.

  • 12) Acknowledgements
    These should be brief and include contributing persons or institutes, financial support, commercially unavailable materials (e.g., novel compounds, strains, etc.) and gifts related to the paper.

  • 13) Conflict of Interest
    Authors must declare all potential conflicts of interest that may affect or may reasonably be thought by others to affect their judgments or the manuscript. This information will be published as part of the paper.

◆ Fees for Publication and Extra Publication

Authors shall pay for publication, peer review, and extra publication. However, costs will not be charged for a limited time.