Introduction to the KADS         Election Management Regulations

Election Management Regulations

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

This regulation has the purpose of stipulating necessary matters for the election of the president and auditor of the Association according to Article 11 of the Korean Academy of Dental Science (hereinafter referred to as "the Association").

Article 2 (Scope of Application)
  • ① This regulation applies to the election of the president and auditors of this Association.
  • ② If not otherwise defined in this regulation, it shall be subject to the resolution of the general assembly or the decision of the Election Commission.

Article 3 (Election Definition)
  • ① A person who has the right to vote is classified as “Election Authority”.
  • ② The electorate means the members of Article 5 and the president and vice-president of the general assembly.
  • ③ If the electorate delegates a person with the power of attorney, the representative can vote if they bring the power of attorney.
  • ④ Candidate refers to a person who has been confirmed by performing the registration procedure in accordance with Article 8.

Article 4 (Election Office Cooperation and Obligation to Neutrality)
  • ① Each member shall comply when said member receives a request for cooperation from the Election Commission for Election Affairs.
  • ② Office staff shall not exercise undue influence on elections or engage in any action that affects the results of elections.

Chapter 2 Election Management Commission Committee

Article 5 (Composition of Election Management Committee)
  • ① To facilitate the fair management and affairs of presidential election for the of the society, an election management committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) is established in accordance with Article 29.
  • ② There should be no more than 7 committee members, and they are appointed by the board of directors as follows.
    • 1. One chairperson
    • 2. One vice-chairperson
    • 3. Up to 5 members
  • ③ The Committee chairperson will oversee the Committee’s work acts as the representative of the Committee.
  • ④ The chairperson or Committee Member of the shall resign if he/she intends to register as a candidate.
  • ⑤ No party with direct or indirect election interests shall become Chairperson or the Committee Member.

Article 6 (Committee Operation)
  • ① The Committee is convened by the chairperson.
  • ② The Committee will consider motions when there is an attendance of at least two-thirds of the enrolled members and voting is done with the approval of a majority of the members present, the chairperson also has the right to vote.

Article 7 (Committee Duty)
  • ① The main contents of the Committee duties are as follows.
    • 1. Election announcement and related affairs
    • 2. Candidate registration and qualification screening
    • 3. Create an electoral list
    • 4. Election and related affairs
    • 5. Election promotion and advertisement
    • 6. Voting and counting management
    • 7. Confirmation of the winner
    • 8. Examination, disposition and decision of elections and related matters
    • 9. Other election matters
    • ② The Committee announces the matters related to each Chapter.
      • 1. Election Day
      • 2. Registration and Procedure of Candidates, etc.
      • 3. Election Procedure and Voting Method
      • 4. Other matters as is determined by the Committee

Chapter 3 Candidates

Article 8 (Candidate Registration)
  • ① Anyone who wishes to run for election for president or auditor must prepare the relevant documents 15 days before the general assembly with the recommendation of three or more members stipulated in Article 5 and register it in writing with the Committee.
  • ② The documents required for application for candidate registration are as follows.

    • 1. Application for registration of presidential candidates
    • 2. Three or more letters of recommendation for presidential candidates (multiple recommendations are not allowed)
    • 3. One copy of the list of candidates recommended for presidential candidates (3 or more) (multiple nominations not allowed)
    • 4. Resume of presidential candidate (with photo)
    • 5. Candidate's political views (free form)

    • 1. Application form for registration of auditor candidates
    • 2. One or more letters of recommendation for auditor candidates (multiple recommendations are not allowed)
    • 3. One copy of the list of candidates for auditor candidates (more than one) (multiple recommendations are not allowed)
    • 4. Auditor candidate resume (with photo)

Article 9 (Validation of Registration and Election)
  • ① The Committee may determine that the registration or the election is invalid if it falls under any of the following criteria. However, unsuccessful candidates will not be considered.
    • 1. When it is confirmed that the candidate does not have the right to be elected
    • 2. In cases where false documents are submitted or if information that has been entered has been deliberately falsified in the application registration documents.
    • 3. In cases where the candidate is given a penalty of imprisonment or more
  • ② Election invalidity may be made when the reason for invalidation of registration has been proved completely after the candidate is elected, or when a material issue that affects the election result occurs on the election day.
  • ③ When the Committee makes a decision or deliberation such as the invalidation of registration or the election itself, it shall notify the parties in writing by specifying the reasons and notify the electorate.

Article 10 (Candidate Announcement)
  • ① The Committee announces the candidate registration 60 days before the election.
  • ② The Committee notifies the candidates of registration and changes to the elected.
  • ③ The Committee may disclose or publicly announce various violations by candidates or unfair election campaigns.

Article 11 (Candidate Resignation)
  • ① When a candidate wishes to resign from the position, he/she must submit a resignation letter to the Committee.
  • ② Candidates who submitted the resignation letter cannot register again for the election.

Chapter 4 Elections and Voting

Article 12 (Election Method)
  • ① Elections are held at the last general assembly of incumbent president of the association.
  • ② Elections are based on direct anonymous voting. One vote is granted to those who have the right to vote under Article 3.
  • ③ If one member is the representative of two or more associations, one vote per association can be made.
  • ④ Presidential and auditor candidates can deliver an election speech lasting no more than 10 minutes at the general assembly
  • ⑤ The president is elected via the majority of the votes of those who are present. However, if there is no majority vote cast in the first round of voting, the election will be decided from the first and second-most votes. In case of a tie, the senior shall be elected.
  • ⑥ Auditors shall be elected via secret ballot by two secret voters. However, if there is one candidate or no candidates at all, the vacancy shall be filled based on the recommendations of the members of the general assembly and the resolution of a majority.

Article 13 (Sanctions for Violations)
  • ① The Committee may inform the electorate of the remarks and actions of candidates which are related to the election, the facts pertaining to the violation, whether or not these must be corrected and also the details thereof.
  • ② Deliberations and decisions of the Committee are classified as in each article.
    • 1. Disregarding or Dismissal the motion
    • 2. Issue of Caution
    • 3. Issue of Warning
    • 4. Invalidation of Candidate registration
    • 5. Invalidation of Successful Candidacy
    • 6. Invalidation of Voting
    • 7. Invalidation of Election
  • ③ When the Committee makes a deliberation or decision under Chapter 2, it must give the accused party a sufficient opportunity to explain via methods such as submitting data, giving a hearing or so forth.
  • ④ When the Committee makes a deliberation or decision in each article of Chapter 2, it shall notify the electorate with the specific reason and announce it on the website.
  • ⑤ The chairperson of the Committee, members of the Committee, and related persons shall not divulge the information or statements learned through their duties or performance or participation.

Chapter 5 Election Counting

Article 14 (Counting Management)
  • ① The counting of votes is conducted under the supervision of the Committee under the presence of observers recommended by each candidate and the issuance of ballots, voting, and counting shall be observed.
  • ② Anyone who is registered as an election observer cannot refuse to attend or resign from his/her post without an exact reason. However, in unavoidable circumstance the individual may be replaced by another individual after issuing a power of attorney.
  • ③ The ballot will be discarded if the individual who lost does not object to the results within 7 days after the winner will be confirmed.

Article 15 (Voluntary Voting)

Ballots falling under any of the articles, it will be treated as an invalid ballot.

  • 1. Not marked in any column
  • 2. Those marked in two or more columns
  • 3. It is not possible to identify which column is marked
  • 4. Other matters that this regulation deems invalid

Article 16 (Decision on Voting Objections)

When an election observer objects to vote validity, the Committee shall decide by the attendance of at least 1/2 of the members of the expulsion committee and by the resolution of at least 1/2 of the members present.

Article 17 (Decision, Announcement, and Notification of Winner)
  • ① The chairperson shall publish the results without delay once the complied results determines the election winner.
  • ② The elected is issued and election certificate by the chairperson.

Chapter 6 Re-election and By-election

Article 18 (Re-election)
  • ① Re-election will be conducted when the terms fall on the described articles.
    • 1. If there is no candidate
    • 2. If the elected person resigns or passes away before the start of the term of office
    • 3. If the elected person's eligibility is found to be invalid
  • ② The re-election must be conducted within 60 days from the date that there is confirmation of the reason in accord with Chapter 1.

Article 19 (By-elections)
  • ① In the case where the presidential position is vacated, by-elections are held.
  • ② The authorized representative of the Presidents shall notify the chairperson when the presidential position becomes vacant.
  • ③ By-elections are conducted in the same way as election conducted at term expiration.

Article 20 (Objections)
  • ① The unsuccessful candidate who objects to election results may file an objection to the Committee within 7 days of the election in writing and with specific evidence attached.
  • ② When responding to the objections under Chapter 1, the Committee may take the deliberation or decision under Article 14 when it is clear that the contents of the objection violates the articles and regulations, and/or is recognized that the violation has had a significant influence on the election results.

Supplementary Provisions
  • 1. (Effective Date) These regulations shall come into effect on the approval date by the board of directors.